The Trinidad Cal Fire and the Westhaven Volunteer Fire Department (WVFD) typically provide the most immediate response to fires and medical emergencies in the Trinidad/Westhaven area.


UPDATE: 10 February 2022 - HBMWD and Trinidad Rancheria approve agreement for a pipeline extension to the Trinidad Rancheria.

The agreement calls for the Rancheria to (a) develop plans (pipeline size, pipeline path, regulatory approvals, construction designs, etc.) for a pipeline to carry HBMWD water from McKinleyville Services District to a “Master Meter” located on Tribal Trust lands. The plans must be approved by HBMWD prior to construction. Assuming that the pipeline is constructed, the Rancheria can then deliver water from the Master Meter to all Rancheria customers on tribal trust lands.

UPDATE: 22 October 2021 - Trinidad says no to water pipeline

At the 12 October meeting of the Trinidad City Council, the issue of whether or not Trinidad should connect to the proposed Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District mainline extension from Clam Beach to the Trinidad Rancheria, and thereafter the City of Trinidad, was considered for a third time. Steve Allen, engineer for GHD, reported that concerns regarding future Luffenholtz flows may be real, that hooking up to HBMWD would increase resilience of Trinidad’s water supply, and that the current environment to seek funding for water improvements was as good as it ever will be. Watershed scientists from Pacific Watershed Associates (PWA) gave an impressive presentation on the Luffenholtz Creek watershed, noting that five former marine terraces were present in the watershed. The deep layers of sand deposits in the watershed provide much more gradual release of stored water than in other coastal streams so that base flows remain relatively high in late summer months compared to other coastal streams of similar watershed size. They showed that during the past two drought years, Trinidad has never pumped Luffeholtz Creek below the state-established minimum flows. PWA suggested that addition of storage in the upper watershed, collecting water during winter months, could address the late summer low flow issues. Council members and members of the public thereafter commented on the reports by GHD and PWA, including discussions of potential growth impacts of a pipeline (CouncilmanWest) and divided opinions of Trinidad residents (Councilman Davies).

Members of the Council agreed to “Continue to pursue funding for water storage, for water treatment plant improvements, for fixing leaky pipes, and not pursue Humboldt Bay at this time. “ The formal motion (Ladwig/Davies) adopted was:

”to increase the supply of water to the Trinidad Water system by the City to obtain winter storage and develop reservoirs, increase infiltration to the gravel aquifer and/or appropriative rights to springs in the Luffenholtz Creek watershed, and consider a HBMWD connection after the Trinidad Rancheria pipeline is built within 3-5 years. “

 West: Yes.; Davies: Yes; Ladwig: Yes; Clompus:  No; Grover: No

August 27, 2021 Update:

At its August 10, 2021 meeting, the Trinidad City Council (TCC) passed a motion to request that the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District (HBMWD) allow the City additional time to consider the request to participate in the feasibility study. This motion was passed 3-2 despite previous two previous TCC decisions not to participate in this study (see text below).

At the August 12 meeting of the HBMWD Board, two pro-pipeline TCC members (Clompus, Grover) presented their request for additional time to reconsider Trinidad’s participation in the feasibility study. The Board, with the concurrence of the Trinidad Rancheria, passed a motion to withhold adoption of the final agreement with the Trinidad Rancheria for a pipeline extension until the October 14 meeting of the HBMWD, two days following the October 12 meeting of the TCC. By that date it is anticipated that Trinidad will make a final decision regarding whether or not it wishes to participate in the pipeline project.


The City of Trinidad supplies water to approximately 325 customers (residential and business) within the Trinidad service areas as well the Trinidad Rancheria’s casino. Trinidad’s source of water is Luffenholtz Creek with its treatment and pumping plant on north Westhaven Drive. The Westhaven Community Services District (WCSD) provides water to approximately 250 households within the WCSD’s service area. It relies on surface water springs (Two Creeks Creek) as well as groundwater wells. Areas to the south are served by the Humboldt Municipal Water District (HBMWD) which relies on Mad River water, with storage and regulation via Ruth Lake. Maps of current service areas for these water systems are: Trinidad, WCSD, HBMWD

On June 11, 2020, the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District (HBMWD) considered a preliminary request by the Trinidad Rancheria for a direct line from the McKinlyville Services District to the Rancheria trust lands south of Trinidad. The Rancheria indicated that the request was for long-term development of Rancheria lands and was not to provide water only for their proposed hotel. HARP submitted comments on this request to the HBMWD and noted, among other things, that it would seem unlikely that other water uses would be restricted if HBMWD brought a line north to Trinidad. Serious growth and development implications mean that any HBMWD decision on the Rancheria’s request should have widespread community involvement, including from local water suppliers such as WCSD. Public comments read into the meeting minutes were almost uniformly opposed to the line extension. Summaries of the meeting were published in the Lost Coast Outpost and the Times Standard.

The Rancheria’s request for water from HBMWD was further considered at the HBMWD meeting of 13 August 2020. The Rancheria will be asked to deposit funds (perhaps $10,000) to support preliminary exploration of the proposal to bring a line from McKinleyville (Dowes Prairie) to the Rancheria properties. Materials related to this request in the HBMWD Board packet for the 13 August meeting included a letter from the Rancheria indicating need for 20,000 gpd to support their proposed developments (hotel, casino, gas station, rv park, other buildings).

On December 04, 2020, HBMWD sent letters to the City of Trinidad, the McKinleyville Community Services District, and the Westhaven Community Services District (WCSD) asking of their interest in participating in and contributing financially to a feasibility study and, ultimately, to a line extension.

In a letter dated December 01, 2020, the WCSD indicated to HBMWD that it was not interested in augmenting or replacing its existing water supply with water provided via a mainline extension from MCSD.

At the January 14, 2021, meeting of the HBMWD, the HBMWD Board agreed upon the final language for the MOU between the Rancheria and HBMWD. It was also noted that at the January 06, 2020, meeting of the MCSD, the MCSD Board voted unanimously to support “wheeling” of HBMWD water through the MCSD system if a line extension were approved as well as their interest in participating in the feasibility study.

On January 26, 2021, the Trinidad City Council will be considered HBMWD’s request to participate in the feasibility study. By a 3-2 vote, the TCC decided not to participate in the feasibility study. Council members were greatly influenced by the many letters from citizens of Trinidad and outlying communities expressing their concerns about growth inducement if a pipeline were extended to the Trinidad area.

Hopefully, the WCSD and City of Trinidad will work together with Supervisor Steve Madrone to develop plans for improving local water supply and resiliency.

Humboldt County LAFCo (Local Agency Formation Commission) is in the process of approving Municipal Service Reviews (MSRs) and Sphere of Influence Update (SOIs) for both Trinidad and Westhaven. At the March 17, 2021 LAFCo meeting, the Trinidad MSR/SOI will likely be approved, and the Westhaven MSR/SOI will be considered for the first time.